Resource Library

Winter 2024 Research Roundup
December 17, 2024 | Filed in: Research Roundup | STEPS for Youth | Community Engagement | Mental Health | Adversity, Bias, & DiscriminationThis roundup provides an overview of recent research about adolescent development that examined the importance of parents’ ethnic-racial identity, the benefits of a mindfulness intervention, the link between agency and sense of purpose, the association between brain development and resilience to stress, and the link between heart rate variability and mental health.

Early Adolescence: A Window of Opportunity for Educators to Support Positive Mental Health
September 29, 2024 | Filed in: Council Report | STEPS for Youth | Education | Mental Health | Out-of-School Time | Digital TechThis council report from the National Scientific Council on Adolescence provides research-informed recommendations for middle-school and other early-adolescent educators to help promote mental health.

Summer 2024 Research Roundup
June 26, 2024 | Filed in: Research Roundup | STEPS for Youth | Education | Mental Health | Adversity, Bias, & DiscriminationThis roundup provides an overview of recent research about adolescent development that highlights the importance of support from parents and peers, the effects of neighborhood environments, the impact of racial and ethnic discrimination on sleep, and the trajectories of mental health and gender identity in youth.
Spring 2024 Research Roundup
March 20, 2024 | Filed in: Guide | Research Roundup | STEPS for Youth | Education | Community Engagement | Mental Health | Out-of-School Time | Adversity, Bias, & DiscriminationThis issue provides an overview of research showcasing the protective role of positive lifestyle factors for mental health, the benefits of continuing contribution, an effective intervention to support positive racial-ethnic identity exploration, synchronized brain activity between parents and youth, and the importance of timing in parental support.

Winter 2023 Research Roundup
December 19, 2023 | Filed in: Research Roundup | STEPS for Youth | Mental Health | Adversity, Bias, & DiscriminationThis issue provides an overview of research showcasing the effects of neighborhood environments on adolescent development, the benefits of culturally tailored interventions, the trajectory of executive function development, and links between rumination and neural response to social rejection.

Cultivating Purpose in Adolescence
October 30, 2023 | Filed in: Council Report | STEPS for Youth | Education | Community Engagement | Mental Health | Out-of-School Time | Digital Tech | Adversity, Bias, & DiscriminationThis council report from the National Scientific Council on Adolescence looks at the importance of purpose during adolescence and how we can support youth to cultivate their own sense of purpose.

Summer 2023 Research Roundup
June 22, 2023 | Filed in: Research Roundup | STEPS for Youth | Mental Health | Adversity, Bias, & DiscriminationIn this quarterly Research Roundup, we provide an overview of some recent research into the adolescent years, showcasing the interactions between adolescent brain development and our environments, social connections, and sense of identity.

Engaging, Safe, and Evidence-Based: What Science Tells Us Adolescents Need When Online
November 16, 2022 | Filed in: Council Report | STEPS for Youth | Education | Mental Health | Digital TechThis council report from the National Scientific Council on Adolescence offers research-based suggestions for policymakers and technology companies to ensure that digital tech used by middle-school-aged youth promotes positive development and keeps young users safe online.