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Even before the pandemic and ensuing social distance, research had shifted the discussion over screens from good versus bad to how much, doing what, and by whom. Studies published in just the past year have shown that overall, any effects of digital technology on young people’s well-being are small, and not nearly as bad as not getting enough sleep, for example.

In fact, the best parts of digital technology may actually support adolescents’ healthy development and well-being, as they did during the depths of the COVID pandemic when the usual avenues for social contact—school, summer enrichment programs, and visits to friends’ houses—were disrupted.


Thumbnail Image for Raymond Denman_age 16_2019

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Screen Time and Adolescent Mental Health

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Teenagers Aren’t as Lonely in Lockdown if Interacting Positively Online

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Council Report | STEPS for Youth | Education | Mental Health | Digital Tech | November 16, 2022

Engaging, Safe, and Evidence-Based: What Science Tells Us Adolescents Need When Online
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