Resource Library

5 Facts About Contributing During Adolescence
January 5, 2024 | Filed in: Fact SheetThroughout our adolescent years, we become increasingly capable of contributing to those around us in deeper, more meaningful ways than when we were younger. Opportunities to not only contribute but to reflect on the meaning of our contributions and to have our contributions recognized are important to healthy development during our adolescent years.

5 Facts About Exploration and Risk Taking in Adolescence
January 5, 2024 | Filed in: Fact SheetTaking risks during adolescence is an essential part of learning and healthy development. In our adolescent years, we’re more motivated to explore the world by trying new things in ways that help us discover who we are, expand our skills, and ultimately move beyond the familiarity of home.

Winter 2023 Research Roundup
December 19, 2023 | Filed in: Research Roundup | STEPS for Youth | Mental Health | Adversity, Bias, & DiscriminationThis issue provides an overview of research showcasing the effects of neighborhood environments on adolescent development, the benefits of culturally tailored interventions, the trajectory of executive function development, and links between rumination and neural response to social rejection.

Cultivating Purpose in Adolescence
October 30, 2023 | Filed in: Council Report | STEPS for Youth | Education | Community Engagement | Mental Health | Out-of-School Time | Digital Tech | Adversity, Bias, & DiscriminationThis council report from the National Scientific Council on Adolescence looks at the importance of purpose during adolescence and how we can support youth to cultivate their own sense of purpose.

Fall 2023 Research Roundup
September 20, 2023 | Filed in: Research Roundup | STEPS for Youth | Education | Out-of-School Time | Juvenile JusticeIn this issue of our quarterly Research Roundup, we provide an overview of some recent research showcasing the importance of support for positive identity development, the role of family and peers in mental health and emotion regulation, and the impacts of educational settings.

Summer 2023 Research Roundup
June 22, 2023 | Filed in: Research Roundup | STEPS for Youth | Mental Health | Adversity, Bias, & DiscriminationIn this quarterly Research Roundup, we provide an overview of some recent research into the adolescent years, showcasing the interactions between adolescent brain development and our environments, social connections, and sense of identity.
Video: Youth Engagement Matters
March 28, 2023 | Filed in: VideoHow to create meaningful, effective youth engagement programs based on insights from developmental science
Spring 2023 Research Roundup
March 17, 2023 | Filed in: Research Roundup | STEPS for Youth | Education | Out-of-School TimeIn our first quarterly Research Roundup, we review recent research that highlights the importance of exploration, the impact of school and neighborhood environments, charitable giving, and the positive influence of peers during our adolescent years.
Youth Engagement in Research and Evaluation
January 16, 2023 | Filed in: Guide | STEPS for Youth | Community Engagement | Out-of-School TimeTwo guides, for practitioners and for funders, help organizations build and support effective, research-informed youth engagement programs that benefit young people and the groups they work with.

Engaging, Safe, and Evidence-Based: What Science Tells Us Adolescents Need When Online
November 16, 2022 | Filed in: Council Report | STEPS for Youth | Education | Mental Health | Digital TechThis council report from the National Scientific Council on Adolescence offers research-based suggestions for policymakers and technology companies to ensure that digital tech used by middle-school-aged youth promotes positive development and keeps young users safe online.