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Cultivating Purpose in Adolescence

October 30, 2023 | Filed in: Council Report

Helping youth develop a sense of purpose–a forward-looking life aim that guides actions and decisions–can build resilience, support mental health, reduce negative risk taking, and provide a sense of direction and motivation. But adolescents do not just find their purpose as if it were an object already assembled. Rather they cultivate their purpose through a process of discovering and actively…

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September 2023 Research Roundup

September 20, 2023 | Filed in: Research Roundup

In this issue of our quarterly Research Roundup, we provide an overview of some recent research showcasing the importance of support for positive identity development, the role of family and peers in mental health and emotion regulation, and the impacts of educational settings.

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June 2023 Research Roundup

June 22, 2023 | Filed in: Research Roundup

In our second quarterly Research Roundup, we provide an overview of some recent research into the adolescent years, showcasing the interactions between adolescent brain development and our environments, social connections, and sense of identity. You can suggest research articles for future roundups by emailing or sign up to receive the quarterly research roundup in your…

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Video: Youth Engagement Matters

March 28, 2023 | Filed in: Video

In this online panel discussion, the creators of UCLA CDA’s recently released youth-engagement guides discussed how funders and youth-serving organizations can invest in and build youth-engagement programs that help young people and those who work with them succeed.

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March 2023 Research Roundup

March 17, 2023 | Filed in: Research Roundup

We are excited to introduce our first quarterly Research Roundup–an overview of some of the recent research that highlights the important learning and growth of our adolescent years, and how adults can support positive development.

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Youth Engagement in Research and Evaluation

January 16, 2023 | Filed in: Guide

High-quality youth engagement within an organization can be an all-around win. Involving young people in research and evaluation improves the quality and relevance of both the research and ultimately the programs, policies, and organizations that serve young people. It also helps youth develop skills that they’ll need to thrive as contributing adults. The challenge is to engage youth in research…

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Engaging, Safe, and Evidence-Based: What Science Tells Us Adolescents Need When Online

November 16, 2022 | Filed in: Council Report

Early adolescence—roughly ages 10 to 13—is a key time of exploration, discovery, rapid learning, and social and emotional change. It is also the point when many young people begin spending time in a larger online world. Digital technology is not all good or all bad, but during early adolescence, its effects can be amplified. We now know enough from research on brain and social development and…

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Adolescence: A Critical Window to Influence Youth Mental Health

October 3, 2022 | Filed in: Fact Sheet | Brief

Research into cognitive and social development tells us that adolescence is a critical period to influence the mental health of young people. We can help young people not just survive but thrive by exposing them to conditions and experiences that support their developmental needs during these years.

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Navigating Transitions: Resources from the YNSCA

September 14, 2022 | Filed in: Fact Sheet

Our adolescent years mark a time of transition, as our bodies and brains mature and we explore and learn from our experiences and the world around us. Along the journey from childhood to adulthood, there are other major transitions along the way—the transition from middle school to high school, from high school to college or career, and into adulthood. The Youth National Scientific Council on…

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Youth Need Access to Comprehensive Reproductive Care and Education

July 8, 2022

As an organization dedicated to improving the health, education, and wellbeing of adolescents through science, we support access to comprehensive reproductive information and healthcare—including abortion—for adolescents. Adolescence is a critical window for supporting positive development, and restrictions on access to reproductive health information and reproductive healthcare have a…

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