Resource Library
The Intersection of Adolescent Development and Anti-Black Racism
August 9, 2021 | Filed in: Council Report | STEPS for Youth | Education | Community Engagement | Adversity, Bias, & Discrimination | Juvenile JusticeThis first Council Report from the National Scientific Council on Adolescence summarizes research on how racism and related inequities impact key developmental milestones of adolescence and offers policy and practice recommendations to support Black youth.

Supporting Positive Development for Youth Post-Pandemic
July 8, 2021 | Filed in: Fact Sheet
Adolescence is a period of remarkable growth and opportunity. But the COVID-19 pandemic created unique challenges for this age group.
A Conversation on Youth Mental Health
June 16, 2021 | Filed in: VideoAdolescent mental health was in the headlines long before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. The effects of the virus and related restrictions have added new twists to the discussion, highlighting rising rates of anxiety and depression while also creating an opportunity to prioritize youth well-being as we move forward. The UCLA Center for the Developing Adolescent partnered with Young Invincibles (YI) to…

Supporting Positive Development for LGBTQ Youth
June 2, 2021 | Filed in: Fact SheetResearch-based information about helping LGBTQ youth thrive

How We Can Support Healthy Romantic and Sexual Development for Youth
January 27, 2021 | Filed in: VideoRomantic relationships during our adolescent years can be important aspects of healthy development and social learning. Given that most of this learning occurs in the context of peers, what kind of impact are social distancing and other COVID-related restrictions having on young peoples’ romantic and sexual relationships? And what can adults do to support healthy sexual and romantic development,…

How Developmental Science Can Help Address Anti-Black Racism During Adolescence
October 2, 2020 | Filed in: Brief
How Developmental Science Can Help Us Address Inequities During Adolescence
September 15, 2020 | Filed in: BriefAdolescence—beginning at the onset of puberty, around 10 years old, and ending in our mid-20s—is a key window of opportunity for shaping positive trajectories that can last a lifetime. During adolescence, our developing brains are learning and adapting in ways that naturally take advantage of supportive relationships, environments, and experiences for growth and development. Unfortunately, the…
STUDY: The Development of Purpose in Life Among Adolescents Who Experience Marginalization: Potential Opportunities and Obstacles
June 26, 2020 | Filed in: Relevant StudiesA sense of purpose in life can be a psychological asset, particularly for adolescents facing the stress of marginalization due to factors such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. In this 2018 article for American Psychologist, the authors, including the Center’s National Scientific Council member Dr. Anthony Burrow, explore how experiencing marginalization creates obstacles…
FOR PARENTS & ADOLESCENTS: COVID-19: Resources for Parents and Teens
June 24, 2020 | Filed in: GuideThe Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) has put together this fantastic resource page for adolescents and their parents. They offer guides for protecting physical and mental health during the pandemic, strategies for parents, and links to online learning—which is important now that so many summer camps and classes are closed.