News: 2024/06

Teens’ Mental Health May Improve When They Help Others
June 26, 2024“Part of the exploration of adolescence and young adulthood is figuring out where you can be needed and useful—arguably core aspects of our mental health,” our Co-Executive Director Andrew Fuligni tells science reporter Lydia Denworth in an article highlighting the importance of contribution during adolescence.
Press Releases
February 25, 2025: Announcing the UCLA Center for the Developing Adolescent’s 2024 Annual Report
January 17, 2023: New Guides Help Organizations Build Effective Youth Engagement Programs
August 16, 2021: New Report Examines Intersection of Anti-Black Racism on Youth Development
November 30, 2020: Center for the Developing Adolescent Announces New Advisory Board Members
October 1, 2020: Center for the Developing Adolescent Announces New Leadership
Stay in the Know

Researchers Say Social Media Warning Is Too Broad
June 20, 2024Reporter Ellen Barry talks with NSCA member Candice Odgers, PhD, and former CDA leadership team member Nick Allen, PhD, about why blanket warning labels on social media could have unintended consequences for youth and families.

Techdirt Podcast: What An Actual Expert Thinks About Kids & Social Media
June 18, 2024NSCA member and Professor of Psychological Science and Informatics at UC Irvine Candice Odgers talks with podcast host Michael Masnick about the research into youth mental health and social media use—and how blaming tech could cause us to miss the real challenges young people face.

What Research Actually Says about Social Media and Kids’ Health
June 18, 2024Even as the surgeon general recommends warning labels for parents and kids about social media, there is still debate about whether or to what extent technology may be negative for youth. NSCA member Candice Odgers is cited in this overview of what research tells us about social media and youth mental health.