Teens’ Mental Health May Improve When They Help Others
Scientific American June 26, 2024
“Part of the exploration of adolescence and young adulthood is figuring out where you can be needed and useful—arguably core aspects of our mental health,” our Co-Executive Director Andrew Fuligni tells science reporter Lydia Denworth in an article highlighting the importance of contribution during adolescence.
Recent News
September 26, 2024
National Scientific Council on Adolescence Member, Jacqueline Nesi, PhD, was quoted in the recent article published by the Bay Area’s NPR and PBS member station, KQED. Nesi explains that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to giving early adolescents cell phones or to banning them. But, research suggests that kids need “increasing independence as they age [and] there’s value in giving them opportunities to solve problems.”
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A new study suggests that adolescent brains may have matured more rapidly during the pandemic. Ron Dahl, founding director of CDA and host of the CDA’s Adaptivity podcast, spoke with New York Times reporter Ellen Barry about why we shouldn’t jump to negative conclusions about what these changes mean.
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