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STUDY: Importance of Investing in Adolescence from a Developmental Science Perspective

by Dr. Ron Dahl, Nick Allen, Linda Wilbrecht, and Ahna Suleiman

Downloadable PDF: Importance of Investing in Adolescence from a Developmental Science Perspective

In this Research Perspective for Nature, our Founding Director Dr. Ron Dahl, along with advisory board members Nick Allen and Linda Wilbrecht and our first director, Ahna Suleiman, apply developmental science to make the case for global investment in the health and well-being of adolescents.

The authors explain how understanding developmental science, such as the way puberty changes some aspects of learning in early adolescence, can lead to more effective programs for this age group. They conclude that science-informed interventions during specific windows of learning can have a positive impact on adolescents, their future success, and the lives of their future children.

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